Scunthorpe General Hospital |
01724 282282 |
NHS North Lincolnshire (CCG) |
01652 251000 |
NHS 111 (non life threatening situation) |
111 (Free from landline and mobile) |
Adult Social Services (over 65s) |
01724 297000 |
Physical Disability Services |
01724 298000 |
Learning Disabilities Service |
01724 298385 |
Mental Health Service |
01724 297000 |
Social Services: Emergency |
01724 297979 |
Registrar of birth & deaths |
01724 298555 |
District Nurse Team |
0303 3305194 |
Health Visitors (Ashby Team) |
0303 3306771 |
Macmillan Nurses |
0303 3305372 |
PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service) |
0303 3306518 |
Relate (Formerly Marriage Guidance) |
0845 1664110 |
Carers’ Support Group |
01652 650585 |
Community Midwives |
03033 303088 |
West street Children’s Centre |
01724 296605 |
Ashby Children’s Centre |
01724 742500 |
Riddings Children’s Centre |
01724 279931 |